Friday, February 11, 2011

The World Reacts to President Mubarak's Resignation

CBS News.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Resigns

VP Omar Suleiman Announces President Hosni Mubarak's Resignation; Military to Take Over President's Affairs

(CBS/AP)  gp
After 30 years in power, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has resigned.

On state-run TV Friday, the day of the biggest-yet anti-government demonstrations, Mubarak's appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman made the brief announcement of the president's departure from office.
"In these grave circumstances that the country is passing through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to leave his position as president of the republic," a grim-looking Suleiman said. "He has mandated the Armed Forces Supreme Council to run the state. God is our protector and succor."

You must tune in to what's happening in Eygpt. President Obama declared that, "Eygpt will never be the same." I believe the American people can truly learn what it looks like for a country  to stick together and fight for what they believe in. I believe we need to pay close attention to this particular article as it relates souly to our country struggling financially and how if we stick together, what victory looks like and feels like. We as a people can change, but it takes the "people" to do so. If you want to know what it takes to turn the hearts of the American people, please tune in to what's happening in Egypt.

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